- 40+ experts More than forty experts are working to answer your questions.
- 37+ counties more than 37 countries whose medical systems we know all about
- 2000+ answers More than 2000 responses monthly
How it works
Symptomato's team is made up of experienced, knowledgeable physicians. We offer you specific solutions tailored to your situation and based on current medical guidelines.
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Here you can read how to formulate it to get the most out of the Symptomato service.
You can attach the necessary documents to your question so that the specialist can better assess your situation. Please note that personal data will not be required when answering the question, it should be deleted.
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During the selected period, we formulate a response to your question. We take into account all the nuances of your condition and analyze all the data you give us.
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The answer from Symptomato's team of specialists comes to your inbox. We can recommend a specific doctor and tell you what to do before an in-person appointment.
Examples of questions and answers
The platform brings together our collective experience and expertise, offering simple and concrete solutions tailored to your situation.
I'm 16. Due to a lack of growth hormone, I stopped growing. Can you help me?
Good day! Usually, at 16, growth slows down due to natural causes, not because of a lack of growth hormone. Growth in boys can continue until about age 21, but after puberty, the growth rate decreases significantly. To know the growth prognosis and to rule out growth hormone deficiency, bone age can be determined (taking x-rays of the hands).
Baby 1.5. We began to get sick almost 3 weeks ago, with snot and cough, treated with inhalations of saline solution, Aqua Maris. I abundant drinking, and a week later the snot was pouring, we went to the doctor she prescribed an antibiotic drank a week, no effect. On Sunday was the last day of antibiotics, on Monday went to the doctor and listened to the breath was clean, throat was not red. Came home, in the evening the temperature rose in the evening, knocked down only today at lunchtime. I wanted to know what can it be and how to cure it.
Good day! In case if your baby has had a viral infection, in this case, antibiotics are not effective and can delay the course of the disease. A slight increase in leukocytes and an increase in the number of neutrophils in the blood test is also not an indication for the appointment of antibiotics, especially since the baby feels well. The repeated rise in temperature may be due to a new viral infection (a common phenomenon at this age) if not all the teeth have erupted, then with the eruption of molars. Don't worry, most infections at this age go away in a few days and do not require special treatment. If such treatment is necessary, your doctor will let you know.
My child is 2.9 years old and was diagnosed with delayed speech development. Prescribed shots Cortexin 10.0 + Novocaine 2.0. Is it possible to put this dosage on the child?
Good day! If you mean 10 mg and 2 ml of 0.5% novocaine, then this corresponds to the instructions for the use of the drug (for children weighing more than 20 kg). However, it should be said that the drugs prescribed to you have no proven efficacy, according to research. Despite the lack of efficacy, these drugs can have undesirable effects (for example, provocation of seizures if there is a predisposition), in addition, it is painful. As a rule, the most effective non-drug treatment options - are classes with a speech pathologist or neuropsychologist. But first, understand the cause of speech delay and make a diagnosis. We recommend that you contact specialists who are guided by the principles of evidence in medicine. For example, since you are in Moscow you can consult the GMS Center for Congenital Pathology or Dokdeti, as well as other clinics.
Good day! 8 years 8-year-old child had rotavirus. 4 days temperature 39-39.5. He ate nothing and lost weight by 3 kg. He had abdominal pain, a cloudy condition, vomiting was only 1 time. After 10 days after recovery, we did an abdominal ultrasound and took tests. I have attached the results of the ultrasound. According to the analysis - everything is within normal limits, except for a lowered total bilirubin -2.68 (the norm is from 3.4 to 17) and slightly overestimated average platelet volume - 11.6 (the norm is 9.2-11.4). Direct and indirect bilirubin within reference values. I am very worried about the results of ultrasound and bilirubin.
Good day, please don't worry, the ultrasound results reflect the infection. “Reactive pancreatitis” is not quite the correct term that ultrasound doctors sometimes use to describe changes in the pancreas in a hungry child, it is normal. According to literature, the level of bilirubin in the blood should also not cause concern. Good health to you!
A month and a half ago, the temperature rose sharply to 40.5 and all the joints became very ill. There were no other symptoms. Paracetamol and ibuprofen did not help. Another family member had COVID at the same time - I may have had it too. On the third day, it started to feel better and the fever went down. Then for another week, there was weakness and the fever went up to 38. Since then, the joints in my fingers, hands, and elbows have been hurting for a month and a half. I am attaching tests: RF, CRP, and general blood work. I would like to understand when it will pass and what to do about it.
Hello, Ksenia! At this point in the literature, your test results suggest the possibility of reactive arthritis after an infection (especially often it happens after rotavirus). In this case, the symptoms can last up to several months. For a more precise answer about the causes of your symptoms, you need to visit a rheumatologist in person. Write down in which city you are located, and we will recommend a specialist for consultation. In this situation, for patients like you, a course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is often recommended for 5 days, in the therapeutic dose according to the instructions for use, after meals.
How to pay
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Answers for popular questions
The platform brings together our collective experience and expertise, offers simple and solutions tailored to your situation.
How to ask a question?
How to ask a question to maximize the benefits from our service?
Write your age and gender (answers to some questions may vary depending on these data).
Write how you can be reached. - If your question is not about you, but about your loved ones, please provide their details.
Describe your problem in detail. You can ask questions about both your condition, your illness, treatment, as well as about the health care system health care system or doctors in the region where you are in the region where you're currently where you are.
- — what prompted you to seek help;
- —describe your condition, what's bothering you;
- —if necessary, describe the background of your problem (how you got sick, how you were treated, what medications you take, who you see...).
- —If your question is about interacting with the health care system, please indicate the city and country where you are located.
- —questions you want answered by the Symptomato team. What kind of help do you need? What kind of decision do you need to make?
- You can attach scans or test results to your question so that the specialist can better assess your situation.
The Symptomato Team
Anastasia Belous
Experience — 19 years.
Yulia Korzhenkova
Pediatrician, infectious disease specialist
Experience — 19 years
Natalia Kolesnikova
Pulmonologist, resuscitator
Experience — 20 years
Mikhail Gilyarov
Experience — 30 years
Ekaterina Vyalova
Experience — 6 years.
Alexandra Botsina
Experience — 21 years.
Mikhail Dodonov
Experience — 15 years
Natalia Belova
Pediatrician, Geneticist, Endocrinologist
Experience — 44 years old Doctor of Medical Sciences Doctor of the highest category
Olga Stepanets
Experience — 26 years.
Tamara Vybornaya
Experience — 13 years.
Max Seradzin
Experience — 15 years
Alexey Svet
Therapist, Cardiologist
Experience — 28 տարեկան
The experts on the symptomato team are physicians in at least one country in the world, but may not be licensed in your area.
Our mission
Bridge the gap between doctors and patients, empowering you to make informed medical decisions. We aim to be your reliable support during times of confusion and uncertainty.